Recently an armed 17-year-old boy named Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself with lethal force as he was attacked by a mob of anarcho-terrorists and was subsequently charged with 1st degree murder. While we have told people not to go out and confront rioters for this exact same reason, the boy can hardly be faulted for attempting to uphold the sacred value of order. Again, as before, calls have gone up for someone to create a law firm that can defend our people in such cases. We have already addressed how such an institution could be built, and we highly recommend you read about it and spread the idea. However, there is another institution that should be built alongside such a legal operation. We will call this theoretical institute that we are proposing, The Exculpatory Team.

The Exculpatory Team is a project that anyone can pick up on immediately and does not require money to launch. The concept is simple. After a high-profile legal case of significance to our people, such as the current unjust indictment of Kyle Rittenhouse, The Exculpatory Team immediately goes into action collecting valuable evidence for the defense. This would include any video, audio, social media posts and witness testimony published on the internet. In the age of digital media censorship, evidence that has the power to acquit an innocent man or woman could be lost forever if a social media company decides to memory hole it.

The Exculpatory Team should be composed of individuals who are ready to testify on behalf of the individuals they are collecting evidence for in such cases. The reason for this is that the standard of evidence in court is quite high, and it is not enough to simply download videos or social media posts and hand them over to the defendant’s attorney. You will also need to film yourself downloading them to prove to the court that the evidence you are handing over is legit, and not a fabrication. 

Here is what the process should look like. You stumbled across a livestream on Periscope. You take the link and archive it on and You then download a .pdf of the webpage itself. This provides you with an archive of the hyperlink. You then download the video itself. For Periscope you can do this on The whole time you are doing this you should be video-taping yourself, explaining the source of the video, the time it was posted, how you are downloading a .pdf of the webpage, where you archived it, where you have downloaded it, and how and on what device you are recording yourself doing all this. You should then take the webpage .pdf, the .mp4 video file you downloaded, and the .mp4 of you arching everything and place it in a folder. Continue to repeat this process with each piece of evidence you find.

Do not simply take screenshots of social media posts!!! These can easily be faked and will not be considered as admissible (legitimate) evidence in court. You need to download a .pdf of the social media post so that you preserve the hyperlink along with the post. You must also follow the same process as preserving video evidence. Archive the social media post on and, film yourself explaining where you found the social media post, the time and date it was posted, how you are archiving it, and how you are downloading a .pdf of the webpage. Then place the .pdf of the social media post, as well as the video of you archiving it into a folder.

Ensure that you are locating the original source of evidence. When you see a video online being shared around, reach out to the individual sharing it and ask them if they are the one who filmed or photographed the event. If they did not, ask them where they acquired the media. Repeat this process until you find the original source. Once an individual admits to being the original source of the video, ensure that you also archive their answer and add this to the file of that piece of evidence. Also attempt to identify such individuals, as they are witnesses themselves and may be of great use to a defendant attorneys.

Make sure you back up everything on two external drives. If your computer crashes, you will lose all your evidence. This can also happen to your hard drive while it is in use, so ensure that you back up everything often on a second hard drive. The last thing you want is to lose evidence that could change someone’s life forever.

Once the individual(s) that you are collecting evidence for acquires an attorney, contact that attorney and explain who you are, what you have done and how you can send the evidence to them along with your all of your contact information so you can testify on their behalf. If this become a full-time project that you get into, you can establish a trust to help fund your work full time and pay for software programs respected by the court that “authenticate” what you download from the internet. These are expensive, but should make the documentation process easier, as you should not be required to film yourself and explain everything while using these programs.

There is no time to lose. Every week that goes by we see new victims. This is a project that is not only worthy of taking up, but that does not take any large capital investment to begin. Get to work, train others who are interested in helping you, and go save some lives.


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