Financing our institutions has been one of the largest and most important obstacles we face. It is the reason why it is first on the list of institutions to be established. In short, we need institutions to fund all other institutions. One solution, that has yet to have been explored (at least to our knowledge), would be the creation of financial trusts that would invest the money they received and only spend the interest of such investments on various projects. As such, these trusts would continue to grow indefinitely as more individuals donated to them and their holdings grew. Such a trust would ideally be created by individuals with long, solid track records in the movement who could be trusted with such grand responsibility.

To avoid litigation, the trust should not donate to activist organizations, who are prime targets for lawsuits and could possibly drag the trust and its conservators into court with them as part of some bogus “conspiracy” allegation. Instead, such trusts should be established to fund non-profit legal institutions, student grant programs, or any of the other various categories of institutions listed in this series. This is not to say that on-the-ground activists and their leaders would not benefit from such institutions, just that it would do so indirectly through law groups funded by such trusts, who could defend them and their members in court or intel gathering organizations that expose anarcho-terrorists who attack them in streets.

The conservators of these trusts must put aside all risk-taking behaviors to avoid any litigation that would put the trust in their charge at risk. They should have immaculate records with no criminal histories or personal drama that could be used against them as blackmail or in court. Conservators should also be advised by a council of trustworthy lawyers, CPA’s, and financial consultants to maximize profits and mitigate risks, both financially and legally. They would also be compensated for their work as full-time employees of the trust once it has amassed enough assets to produce a living wage.

One way of getting such a trust off the ground would be for existing pro-White personalities and institutions to band together and create one. Movement leaders and institutions could volunteer to donate a small amount every month of their donations to the trust. This would not only provide the trust with a sizable initial input of capital, but also create faith in the institution and its conservators for others to donate too. The motivation as to why movement leaders would help with the funding of such a trust should be obvious, as it is not only a long-term investment for the movement as a whole, but also insurance in case they need financial or legal assistance themselves in the future.

Different trusts should be established for specific purposes, and the first trust established should be done for the explicit purpose of funding a non-profit, pro-White law firm that will represent our interests. The reason for this is because not only is this the most pressing need for our movement, but also because a small network of lawyers will be required to protect such trusts themselves, as they will undoubtedly be a target of lawfare or government audits intended to destroy them.

Virtually every major non-profit and many religious institutions have trusts to fund them. This is why despite the lack of grassroots support, many of these institutions have continued to operate despite lack of popularity or church attendees. It is how properties are maintained and employees are hired who can promote the interests of the institution’s constituency.

Many will claim the hour is too late for this strategy, so it must be dismissed. This criticism is invalid today as it was decades ago. When the original White nationalist movement emerged in the late 80’s and 90’s, many said the same thing. They claimed the hour was late, and that there was no time for institution building. Some of their most highly intelligent and dedicated people went off to launch a violent, failed revolution instead. Had these individuals worked for the last three decades building financial trusts that could fund various projects, today we would have millions of dollars to spend annually on law firms, lawsuits, documentaries, educational projects, anti-White watch groups, artists, and more. While this still likely would not have put us over the top, it certainly would have placed us in a better position in the long run.

Our people aren’t going anywhere and we are going to have to prepare for living as minorities, which makes these types of institutions all the more important to build now. There is not going to come a time where Jews and non-Whites start rounding us up in camps and killing us. They don’t have to, and it is better for them not to. We are too valuable a natural resource to keep the economy creeping along. We will slowly find ourselves in a position as those in South Africa have and we must prepare for our people to survive that experience. It will not be the end for us, but it will be the point at which the state will have been weakened enough where if we have properly prepared and built up powerful enough networks, we can break loose from it and at long last establish a place of our own that serves our interest forever.

Yes, the hour is late. Let us lose no more time and establish institutions to fund all other institutions. This we owe to future generations, so that they have a platform built from which they can reach the stars.


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