Several years ago, in 2014-2015 just prior to the Alt-Right era of 20162017, an event called The White Man March was born. The purpose of the event was to create a new annual tradition that could be built upon. On the same day once a year, activists around the world could both celebrate White identity and take action in their own ways. The strategy was brilliant, as the idea was that more and more people would partake every year and it would grow in size and influence, with the eventual possibility for revolutionary change. The event saw a couple years of success, with organizations and individuals taking part in their own ways. 

Some organizations held flash mobs in their local areas, others foolishly pre-announced rallies that were inevitably shut down by anarcho-terrorists. Many dropped banners or held them up along roadsides and flyers were plastered across the country. Those who couldn’t get out took to the internet in an attempt to get different slogans and hashtags trending. Unfortunately, not much documentation of the event has survived the onslaught of internet censorship and accounts deleted by users who have faced backlash over the years. 

The discontinuation of the event had nothing to do with some of its failures, as it did unfortunately have some. Instead, the reason we aren’t celebrating the White Man March every year is because the founder developed some deeply troubling psychological issues that brought the

project down. Over time he began accusing everyone who was not a direct follower or even slightly critical of anything he said of either being a Jew or a federal agent. This type of behavior never lasts long without ultimately hurting the accuser, and his reputation was destroyed beyond repair. This was deeply unfortunate, as we believe that if a stable individual had been in charge of the project, the size and scope of the White Man March today would be massive compared to 2015.   
It is now time to recreate this project, as its strategic potential is too great to not take up. However, there are some things that must be avoided if it is to succeed. First among them, is that the organizer should remain completely anonymous. This event will undoubtedly grow each year, and as it does, there will be a great hunt for the person who launched it. Once discovered, no amount of resources will be spared to destroy that individual. This means that anyone seeking to take up this project must be highly tech savvy and avoid anything that would give away their identity. 

Launching such a project would be very simple and only require a bit of work a few months prior to the event every year. It should consist of a very simple website with a big countdown clock on the homepage that runs all year, counting down the days and minutes until the next celebration. It would also include a description of the event and explain how people could get involved. It should also discourage people from holding pre-announced events, which would inevitably be attacked and those who defended themselves from the anti-White, anarcho-terrorist mob would be imprisoned by the state. Instead, organizations seeking to take part should make their own plans in private and launch flash mobs on that day in various cities, such as Patriot Front has demonstrated with their recent protests.

The only specific message that day should be a pro-White one, leaving individuals and organizations to decide for themselves how they wish to express that message. This could range from holding an Asatru religious service, to putting on a local show exhibiting an aspect of European culture. Participants could place flyers or stickers around town or at school, drop banners or attend a flash mob demonstration. Even just holding a barbeque and celebrating European heritage with your family would be a way to celebrate and take part.

Those who partake should be encouraged to proclaim adherence to points of unity and a code of ethics provided by the organizer. The points of unity should be a series of points that can allow for the broadest range of agreement and adherence, while the code of ethics should be standards that those participating in should be required to hold. Silver Star Tactics will be working on proposals for both of these that we hope to publish in the coming months. We believe that these pledges will have a serious benefit not only for this proposed day of celebration, but for the movement as a whole, as it will inevitably become more autonomous due to both government oppression and anarcho-terrorist violence. However, this will also become our movement’s strength, as it will become more difficult to thwart through lawfare and other attacks.  
A day with meaningful significance should be chosen, and one that is not during the winter months, as would inevitably result in lower turnout. The White Man March was on March 15 every year, though the reason why this date was chosen is unknown to us. This was a good date because around this time the weather begins warming and people are aching to come out after being cooped up all winter. A new name should also be chosen for this event, since the White Man March sounded a bit too militant, and therefore threatening. We have, therefore, proposed European People’s Day!
Whoever takes up this project needs to be patient. Do not be discouraged if the first year is not a major success. Give it time and stick with it. Reach out to as many pro-White organizations as possible in an attempt to get them to publicly promote it and take part. This will not be easy at first, since many will initially be skeptical of you, and may not even respond to your initial appeals. As your reputation builds over time, more individuals will want to partake each year, and more organizations will be interested in getting involved. Eventually, the project will begin to snowball, and once that occurs the possibilities are endless.  




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